
Library @ JSPM University:-

Library Stack Room

Reading Room-I

Digital Library

The Library at JSPM University is a vibrant hub of knowledge and learning, serving as an essential resource for students, faculty, and researchers. Designed to cater to diverse academic needs, the library plays a pivotal role in supporting the university's educational endeavours.

Spanning a spacious area within the university campus, the library boasts an extensive collection of books, journals, research papers, and multimedia resources across various disciplines. With a catalogue that covers fields such as engineering, sciences, humanities, business, and more, the library strives to accommodate the diverse interests and academic pursuits of its users.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the library offers both physical and digital resources to facilitate convenient access to information. The online portal provides access to a wealth of e-books, e-journals, and databases, enabling users to explore scholarly content from the comfort of their devices. Moreover, the library's integrated search system simplifies the process of locating relevant materials, enhancing the efficiency of research and study.

The library space itself is meticulously designed to foster an environment conducive to learning and research. Comfortable seating areas, dedicated study zones, and quiet reading corners create an atmosphere that encourages focused concentration and intellectual exploration. Knowledgeable and approachable librarians are always on hand to assist users with their queries, helping them navigate the vast collection and discover the most pertinent resources.

Recognizing the importance of collaborative learning, the library also offers group study rooms and discussion spaces where students can engage in academic dialogue and collaborative projects. Regular workshops and training sessions are organized to enhance information literacy skills, empowering individuals to effectively gather, evaluate, and use information for their academic and personal growth.

In conclusion, the Library at JSPM University stands as a beacon of knowledge, providing a rich array of resources and an inviting environment for learning, research, and intellectual growth. It embodies the university's commitment to excellence in education by facilitating access to information and fostering a culture of curiosity and exploration among its academic community.

Sr. No.

Name of Faculty


Total Space (sq. m.)

Computer/ Communication Facilities

Total No. of Ref. Books (Each Faculty)

All Research Journals Subscribed on a Regular Basis


Faculty of Science & Technology

625 sq . m.


Titles - 307

Volumes - 4859

Print Journal - 28             

E - Journal - 8900+


Faculty of Health Sciences

150 sq . m


Titles - 265            Volumes - 1012

Print Journal - 12          

E - Journal - 3199+


Faculty of Business Management & Commerce

300 sq . m




Titles - 182

Volumes - 2517


Print Journal - 12          

E -Journal - 15000+



Faculty of Education and Humanities


150 sq . m


Titles - 7

Volumes- 13


Print Journal - 2       

E -Journal - 100+


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