Waseem Ahmad

Dr. Waseem Ahmad Mir
Dr. Waseem Ahmad Mir
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Email: wam.scos@jspmuni.ac.in
Phone: 6005750250
Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, India, 2023
M-Tech: Computer Engineering, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad India, 2017
B-Tech: Electronics and Communication Engineering, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora Kashmir,2011
Teaching Experience: 3 Years
Industry Experience: 2 Years
- Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Data Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence
- Deep Learning
- Blockchain Technology
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Mir, W.A, Izharuddin (2022), “Deep-EEG: An Optimized and Robust Framework and Method for EEG-Based Diagnosis of Epileptic Seizure”, MPDI Diagnostics, Indexed in SCI, Web of Science, Scopus, DBLP IF 3.24
- Waseem Ahmad Mir, Tawseef Ayoub Shaikh, “Machine Learning for Smart Agriculture and Precision Farming: Towards Making the Fields Talk”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, SCI Indexed with impact factor 8.
- Tawseef Ayoub Shaikh, Rashid Ali, Waseem Mir, and Izharuddin, “An Intelligent Healthcare System for Automated Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction and Personalized Care”, International Journal of Next-Generation Computing (IJNGC), 2021, (Web of Science/ESCI and UGC-CARE list –II).
- Mir, W. A, et al “An Intelligent Healthcare System for Automated Diabetes Diagnosis and Prediction using Machine Learning”, Procedia Computer Science , Scopus (Accepted)
- Mir, W. A, et al An Intelligent and Automated Machine Learning Based Approach for Heart Disease Prediction and Personalized Care, Procedia Computer Science , Scopus (Accepted)
- Waseem Ahmad Mir, Tawseef Ayoub Shaikh and Shabir Sofi, “Decrypting the Black Boxing of Artificial Intelligence Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Smart Healthcare”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, SCOPUS Indexed.
- Ahmad Mir, Waseem, Izharuddin, and Iqra Nissar. "Deep Learning-based model for the detection of Parkinson’s disease using voice data. "International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Trends and Pattern Recognition (ICAITPR) – 2022, IEEE 2022
- Tawseef Ayoub Shaikh, Mir, WA, “Automated Fiber Quantification for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis from Neuropsychological Biomarkers”, IEEE Explorer, Scopus Indexed
- Mir, WA, Nissar, Iqra and Izharuddin, “Machine-Learning Approaches for Detection and Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease using Voice Data: A Review”, IEEE Explorer, Scopus Indexed
- Mir, WA, Izharuddin and Nissar, Iqra, “Contribution of Application of Deep Learning Approaches on Biomedical Data in the Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders: A Review on Recent Findings”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Security and Internet of Things, Springer, Singapore,2019, Scopus Indexed.
- Ahamed, J., & Mir, W. A. (2020). Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. In International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications (pp. 163- 172). Springer, Scopus Indexed
- Mir WA, Ahamed J. Energy Management in Wireless Sensor Networks-A Review. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science. 2017 May 15;8(5).UGC Care List II.
- Mir, Waseem Ahmad, and Jameel Ahmad. "Energy Efficient and Reliable Routing Protocols In Wireless Sensor Networks-An Outlook.”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE). ISSN:2278-1021(IJARCCE)”. ijarcce.com UGC Care List II.
- Waseem Ahmad Mir, Izharuddin, et al, “Towards Smart Diagnosis of Brain Disorders using Artificial Intelligence, “Healthcare Monitoring and Data Analysis using IOT” to be published in March 2022(Scopus Indexed).
- Waseem Ahmad Mir, Izharuddin, et al “Bridging the gap between AI and Medicine: Understanding recent advances in AI based disease diagnosis systems “Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Systems: Tools and Techniques” CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA
- Waseem Ahmad Mir, Izharuddin “Smart Approaches of Diagnosis of Brain Disorders using Artificial Intelligence “Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Systems: Tools and Techniques” will be published by the CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA.
- Mir, Waseem, et al “Bridging the Gap between Technology and Medicine: Deep learning Approaches in Epilepsy Detection” published in “ International Journal of Advance Scientific Research and Emerging Trends” UGC Care List II
- Banik, Anwesha, et al “Blockchain Based Vehicle Information Management System”, Blockchain for IoT Systems Concept, Framework and Applications, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2024
- Mir, Waseem and Hamid, Mudasir, “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Designing the Future of Academia, The Future of Academia: Transforming Learning, Walnut Publication, 2024
- Got awarded best paper entitled, “An Intelligent Healthcare System for Automated Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction and Personalized Care”, in the International Conference on Convergence of Smart Technologies Conference (IC2ST-2021), hosted by the Aspire Research Foundation, 05, A-Wing, MCCIA Trade Tower, ICC Complex, 403, Senapati Bapat Rd, Pune, India Pune, India, January 9-10,
Editorial Member of IIP Proceedings.
Theory of Computation
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Research Methodology
Data Mining
- Two days’ workshop on “Social Media and Data Analytics “organised by Department of Computer Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University,15-16 March, 2019
- One Week workshop on “Data Science and Information Security bootcamp”, organised by Department of Computer science and Engineering, Islamic University of Science and Technology, 11-15 June, 2019.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Data Analytics Techniques with Python”, organised by Electronics and ICT Academy, IIT Roorkee at SMVDU Katra Jammu, 04-08 Sep 2018
- One week workshop on “Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics” organized by Department of Computer Engineering, AMU Aligarh, 04-10 March 2018.
- Two days’ workshop on “Social Media and Data Analytics” organized by Department of Computer Engineering, AMU Aligarh, 15-16 March 2019.
- One Week Workshop under Global Initiative for Academic Networks (GIAN) on “Natural Language Processing and Big Data for psycholinguistics” organized by IIT Kanpur, 10-15 Dec 2018.
- One day workshop on “Research Innovation and Incubation Showcase (RIISE) 2020” organized by IIIT Delhi on 31 January 2020
- One day workshop on “Technical Manuscript Preparation with LaTeX” organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU Aligarh on 21 April 2018.
- One day workshop on “Managing Research with Effective Outcomes” organized by Department of Computer Engineering, AMU Aligarh on 06 Aug 2018.
- One day workshop on “5G Systems and Technologies” organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU Aligarh on 16 Feb 2019.
- One week workshop on “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 27th June to 1st July, 2022.
- 5 days training on Unity 3D & AR-VR Fundamentals conducted by ARK Infosolutions Pvt Ltd From 13th March 2023 to 17th March 2023At GHRCEM, Wagholi, Pune
- Organizing member of “International Conference on Science Technology and Sustainability” ICSTS-2022 at Malegaon India.
- Technical Committee member of “International Conference on Science Technology and Sustainability” ICSTS-2022 at Malegaon India.
- Review Committee Member of “International Conference on Science Technology and Sustainability” ICSTS-2022 at Malegaon India.
- Organizing member of a week workshop “Social Media and Data Analytics”, organized by CSE/IT ZHCET, AMU, sponsored by TEQIP-III, 15-16 March 2019.
- Organized Two-Day Workshop On " Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics” Under TEQIP-III, Organized by Department of CSE, ZHCET, AMU, from 04-10 March
Chaired a Session at “International Conference on Science Technology and Sustainability” ICSTS-2022 at Malegaon India
Email: wam.scos@jspmuni.ac.in
Phone: 6005750250