Vishal Raskar

Mr. Vishal Balram Raskar
Full Name: Mr. Vishal Balram Raskar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: School of Electrical and Communication Sciences (E&TC), FST
Phone: +91-9881595966
Office Location: Faculty of Science and Technology, JSPM University, Pune
Ph.D. (Electronics - Pursuing)
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India.
ME (Electronics- Digital Systems). First Class in May-2011
Pune University, Pune, India.
BE (Electronics & Telecommunication). First Class in May-2005
Pune University, Pune, India.
H.S.C. First Class with Distinction in Feb-2000
Maharashtra Board, Pune Division
S.S.C. First Class in March-1998
Maharashtra Board, Pune Division
JSPM University, Pune
Assistant Professor, School of Electrical and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology from 01/09/2023 till date (Total: 03 Months)
JSPM’s Imperial College of Engineering & Research, Wagholi, Pune
Full time Approved Assistant Professor from 21/07/2006 to 31/08/2023 (Total: 17 Years)
UG Approval - from 01/07/2008, (15 Years), SPPU
PG Recognition- from 01/07/2013, (9.8 Years), SPPU
· Communication Engineering · Integrated Circuits · Analog Electronics |
· Signal & Image Processing · Internet of Things (IoT) · |
National and International Journal: 18
International Confrence:04
(Recent 5 Publications listed)
- Vishal B. Raskar & S. L. Lahudkar, “Analysis of UWB Systems for Synchronization and Fine Timing”. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-6, PP: 2385-2393ISSN: 2277-3878, March 2020 [UGC] DOI: 35940/ijrte.F7661.038620
- Vishal B. Raskar & Dr. S. L. Lahudkar, “Analysis and Simulation of Frequency Shifted Reference ultra-wide band (FSR-UWB) system: Effect of Frequency, Data Rate and Communication”. IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication & Green Computing (CCGE-21), Sept.23-25, Pune, India, 2021. Available in digital Proceedings of IEEE Xplore. [SCOPUS] DOI: 10.1109/CCGE50943.2021.9776436
- Vishal B. Raskar & Dr. S. L. Lahudkar, “Performance Analysis of Transmitted Reference and Frequency Shifted Reference ultra-wide band systems: Effect of Frequency, Data Rate, Multipath and Multichannel Communication”. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Volume: 10,
- Issue: 2s. [SCOPUS] DOI:
- Vishal B. Raskar & Dr. S. L. Lahudkar, “A Novel Fine Synchronization for UWB Receivers based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Bee Colony Optimized Particle Filtering Algorithm”. AEUE International Journal of Electronics and Communication (ELSEVIER) [SCI] Submitted & Under Review.
Submitted BCUD Proposals at Savitribai Phule Pune University in AY 2015, 2016.
Received Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication & Green Engineering (CCGE21) at RSCOE Tathawade, 23/09/2021.
Sr. No Life Member Membership Type Name of the body / Organization 1 IEEE Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Bombay Section (Membership Number: 99372897) 2 ISTE Life Member Indian Society for Technical Education (Membership Number: LM55122)
Courses Taught (at UG Level)
· Basic Electronics Engineering |
· Power Electronics |
· Semiconductor Devices & Circuits |
· Digital Signal Processing |
· Integrated Circuits |
· Network Analysis & Synthesis |
· Power Devices & Machines |
· Digital Communication |
· Signals & Systems |
· Employability Skill Development |
· Control Systems |
· Analog Int. Circuits & Applications |
Courses Taught (at PG Level- Signal Processing)
· Advanced Digital Signal Processing |
· Advanced Signal processing Algorithms |
· Signal Processing Techniques |
· Statistical Signal Processing |
Coordinated and attended Faculty Orientation Workshop on SE (E&TC/Elex) Revised Syllabus 2019 Course Under the aegis of BoS (E&TC/Electronics), SPPU, Pune, from 22/06/2020 to 26/06/2020.
Coordinated a Knowledge Webinar Series organized by Department of E&TC ICOER on Zoom Online Platform from 13/05/2020 to 03/06/2020 (05 Sessions).
Coordinated Aptitude Training for TE & BE E&TC Students Webex Online Platform from 13/09/2021 to 29/09/2021
Coordinated Seventh Sense Trainings as Department TPC at JSPM’s ICOER for AY 2021-22. (Company specific trainings for Infosys, Capgemini, NTT, Hexaware etc.)
Coordinated Aptitude + Python trainings for E&TC Dept by GTT Barclays from 26/08/2021 to 11/09/2021.
Coordinated JAVA trainings for E&TC Dept by GTT Barclays from 24/01/2022 to 29/01/2022.
Organized 5-Day FDP on Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, at ICOER E&TC by Buds Engineering Academy, from 05/07/2021 to 09/072021.
Given One Week Training to 9-BRD Airforce Employees on Power Electronics and Devices in AY 2010-11 at JSPM ICOER.
Organized and Coordinated various training programs, Guest lectures, Seminars, Aptitude trainings etc. during AY 21-22 and AY 22-23 as Department Training and Placement Coordinator.
Conducted Orientation program for faculty of JSPM’s ICOER to explain Criteria 2 (Teaching Learning and Evaluation) of NAAC and NAB in AY 2016-17 and 2018-19.
Coordinated and attended Faculty Orientation Workshop on SE (E&TC/Elex) Revised Syllabus 2019 Course Under the aegis of BoS (E&TC/Electronics), SPPU, Pune, from 22/06/2020 to 26/06/2020.
Coordinated a Knowledge Webinar Series organized by Department of E&TC ICOER on Zoom Online Platform from 13/05/2020 to 03/06/2020 (05 Sessions).
Coordinated Aptitude Training for TE & BE E&TC Students Webex Online Platform from 13/09/2021 to 29/09/2021
Coordinated Seventh Sense Trainings as Department TPC at JSPM’s ICOER for AY 2021-22. (Company specific trainings for Infosys, Capgemini, NTT, Hexaware etc.)
Coordinated Aptitude + Python trainings for E&TC Dept by GTT Barclays from 26/08/2021 to 11/09/2021.
Coordinated JAVA trainings for E&TC Dept by GTT Barclays from 24/01/2022 to 29/01/2022.
Organized 5-Day FDP on Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, at ICOER E&TC by Buds Engineering Academy, from 05/07/2021 to 09/072021.
Given One Week Training to 9-BRD Airforce Employees on Power Electronics and Devices in AY 2010-11 at JSPM ICOER.
Organized and Coordinated various training programs, Guest lectures, Seminars, Aptitude trainings etc. during AY 21-22 and AY 22-23 as Department Training and Placement Coordinator.
Conducted Orientation program for faculty of JSPM’s ICOER to explain Criteria 2 (Teaching Learning and Evaluation) of NAAC and NAB in AY 2016-17 and 2018-19.
Received Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication & Green Engineering (CCGE21) at RSCOE Tathawade, 23/09/2021.
Worked as Department Training & Placement Coordinator at JSPM’s ICOER, from 11/09/2021 to 30/06/2023. Till time 42 students of 2023 Batch, 37 students of 2022 Batch & 26 Students of 2021 Batch are placed with good packages. The placements are improved for ENTC compared to previous records.
Invited to deliver Expert Lectures on the courses like Integrated Circuits, Digital Signal Processing, Signals and Systems at RSCOE, BSIOTR, BSP, PVPIT and also topics like CO-PO Mapping in NBA/NAAC given at JSPMs ICOER.
Office Address: School of Electrical and Communication Sciences (E&TC), Faculty of Science and Technology, JSPM University, Pune. Email: Phone: +91-9881595966