Sanjaykumar Gowre


Sanjaykumar C. Gowre

Designation: Professor

Department: Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


Phone: 7019091919/8951855685

Office Location: B012, “B” Building, Department of E & Tc, JSPM University,Pune

  • Ph.D. in [Photonics], IIT Kharagpur, 2013
  • M.Tech. [Fiber Optics & Light wave Engineering], IIT Kharagpur,2006
  • B.E. in [E & CE], Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, 1995 

  • Professor, Department of E & Tc, JSPM University, 31/07/2023 to Present
  •  Professor, BKIT Bhalki, Karnataka, 01/12/2017 to 28/07/2023 - Associate Professor, BKIT Bhalki, Karnataka, 01/01/2011 to 30/11/2017 
  • Assistant Professor, BKIT Bhalki, Karnataka, 01/06/2007 to 31/12/2010
  • Lecturer, BKIT Bhalki, Karnataka, 22/11/1999 to 31/05/2007
  • Lecturer, GND polytechnic, Bidar, Karnataka, 01/09/1998 to 21/11/1999 
  • QC Engineer, Dhoot Industries, Aurangabad, 01/08/1995 to 31/08/1998

  • Photonic Crystal Fiber
  • Image Processing
  • Photonic Devices for Optical Networks
  • Antenna
  • Bio-Sensors

  • International Journal: -
  • Manjunath, Sarika Raga, Sanjaykumar Gowre & Hameed Miyan, “Gallium Arsenide Composite Semi-Conductive Material-based Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal Biosensor for Malaria Detection" accepted International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, (IF=0.205, SJR=0.23 Q3)
  • Hameed Miyan, Rajan A, Hameed Miyan, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Manpuran M, P K Jain, “Photonic Crystal Based Ultrafast and Highly Sensitive Refractive Index Sensor”, accepted IEEE Sensor Journal. VOL. 23, NO. 14, 15 JULY 2023 (IF=3.301, SJR=0.68, Q1) DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3283506
  • Manjunath, Sarika Raga, Sanjaykumar Gowre & Hameed Miyan, Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal Biosensor Based on Gallium Arsenide Composite Semi- Conductive Material for Diabetes Detection" Springers Plasmonics, 2023, (Q3, SJR=0.44, Impact Factor=2.72)
  • Hameed Miyan, Rajan A, Sanjaykumar Gowre, Manpuran M, P K Jain, “Computational Study of 2D Photonic Crystal Based Biosensor for SARS-COV- 2 Detection”, Measurement Science and Technology, 24/03/2023 (Q2, SJR=0.48, Impact Factor=2.398). 10.1088/1361-6501/acc754
  • Shabana Tabassum & Sanjaykumar C. Gowre “Optimal Image Denoising using patch-based Convolutional Neural Network Architecture", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 16/03/2023, 15014-8 (IF=2.577, SJR=0.72, Q1).
  • Savita Soma, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre & Mahesh V, “Design and Simulation of Reconfigurable Optical Logic Gates for Integrated Optical Circuits”, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 55, article number:340, 2023, ((IF=2.8, SJR=0.4, Q2)
  • Tariq Zaid, N M Biradar, Mahesh S, Sanjaykumar Gowre, B Gadgay, “FDADE: Flow Direction Algorithm with Differential Evolution for measurement of Intima- Media Thickness of the Carotid Artery in Ultrasound Images”, Biomedical Signal Processing, 2022, Volume 80, Part 2, February 2023, 104350, (IF=5.076, SJR=1.21, Q1)
  • Juhi Nishat Ansari, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Md. Moinuddin & H K Inamdar, “Photonic Crystal Based Aslant Cavity with Infiltrated Magnetic Fluid for Sensing Magnetic Field”, Neuroquantology, Vol. 20, Issue 17, 11/2022, pp. 1965-1869 (IF=1.41, SJR=0.39, Q3)
  • Jyoti, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Mahesh L & Basavraj Gadgay, “Design of Ultra Compact 4:2 Encoder using Two Dimensional Photonic Crystals, Optical and Quantum Electronics. 54, 676, 2022 (IF=2.794, SJR=0.43, Q2),
  • Pavan M, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Shashidhara K. S. & Husain K. Bhaldar, “Improving the VSSNLMS adaptive beamformer for adaptive antenna systems", International Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. Issue, page no , 2022 (IF=1.09, SJR=0.291, Q3)
  • H.K. Bhaldar, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Mainaz Ustad, “Design of Circularly Polarized Compact Size Wearable Antenna for UWB and 5G Application”, IETE Journal of Research, 2021, 4 April, 2022 (IF=1.125, SJR=0.22, Q3).
  • Hameed Miyan, Rajan A, Hameed Miyan, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Manpuran M, P K Jain, “Computation Study of a Compact and High Sensitive Photonic Crystal for Cancer Cells Detection”, IEEE Sensor Journal. 15/02/2022, Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 3298-3305 (IF=3.301, SJR=0.68, Q1) DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3141124
  • Juhi Nishat Ansari, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Mahesh S, “Photonic Crystal Based Rhombic Ring Resonator for Pressure Sensing”, Design Engineering, Vol. 2021, Issue 08, 2021(IF=1.41, SJR=0.1, Q4)
  • Savita Soma, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre & Mahesh V, “Design of Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal based Ultra Compact Optical RS Flip Flop”, Photonic Communication Networks, 2021 ((IF=2.038, SJR=0.4, Q2)
  • H.K. Bhaldar, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Mahesh Matpati, Ashish Jadhav, Mainaz Ustad, Pavan Mankal & Veerendra Dakulagi, “Design of circular microstrip textile antenna for UWB application”, IETE Journal of Research, 2021, 25/10/2021(IF=1.125, SJR=0.22, Q3)
  • H.K. Bhaldar, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Bhushan Bachute, Ashutosh Thorat Sameer Pathan, “Design of Compact Ultra-wideband Flexible Monopole Antennas”, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR- JEEE), Volume 16, Issue 3 Ser. II (May – June 2021), PP 17-24. (IF=1.09, SJR=0.16, Q4)
  • H.K. Bhaldar, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, et al “Design of Wearable Multiband Circular Microstrip Textile Antenna for WiFi/WiMAX Communication”, Engineering and Technology Journal e- ISSN:2456-3358, Volume 06 Issue 03March-2021,PageNo.-798- 806, 2021
  • Pavan M, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre & Veerendra D, “A New DOA Algorithm for Spectral Estimation without Source Numbers Information", Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. Issue, page no 1-13, 2021 (IF=1.09, SJR=0.291, Q3)
  • Juhi Nishat Ansari, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Mahesh S. B. Gadgay & A. Roy, “Photonic nano dielectric crystal cavity with infiltrated biosamples for refractive index sensing application”, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 213:1, 93-102, 2021. (SJR=0.24, Q3)
  • Mahesh V Sonth, Savita Soma & Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, “Investigation of light behavior of all optical full adders in two dimensional photonic crystals”, Volume , Issue , Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 63, Issue 4, pp. 1304-1308, 2020. (SJR=0.33, Q2)
  • Husain Bhaldar, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Mahesh S Mathpati, & Ashish A Jadhav, “Design of High Gain Wearable Rectangular Microstrip Textile Antenna for Wireless Application”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-5, March 2020. (SJR=0.1, Q4)
  • Husain Bhaldar, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, “ Design Of Miniaturized, Two Elements Design of MIMO Antenna with Patch Isolator”, International journal of scientific & Technology research volume 9, Issue 02, February 2020 ISSN, 2277-8616.
  • Pavan Mankal., & Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms Applicable for Mobile Communication, Journal on Electronics Engineering, vol.10, No 1, pp.8-15, 2019.
  • Shabana Tabassum & Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, “DE-Mosaicing using Matrix Factorization Iterative Tunable Method”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019. (SJR=0.1, Q4)
  • Savita Soma, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre & Mahesh V, “Tunable Optical add/drop filter for CWDM systems using Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator” Springers JEM, Volume 48, Issues 11, pp. 7460-7464, 2019. (SJR=0.42, Q2)
  • Mahesh V., Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Nagshettappa Biradar & Baswaraj Gadgay, “Design & Simulation of AND-OR-INVERT Logic for Photonic Integrated Circuits” Springer Lecture Notes, 2019. (SJR=0.14, Q3)
  • Savita Soma, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre & Mahesh V, “Realization of three input optical AND gate in a 2D photonic crystal”, International journal of research in electronics and communication engineering, Vo. 7, issue 1, Jan-Mar-2019.
  • Mahesh V., Savita Soma, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre and Nagashettappa Biradar, “Modeling and Optimization of Optical Half Adder in Two Dimensional Photonic Crystals” Springers JEM, Volume 47, Issue 7, pp 4136-4139, July 2018. (SJR=0.42, Q2)
  • Savita Soma, Mahesh V. Sonth and Sanjaykumar C. Gowre "Implementa tion of Cascaded Logic Gate in a 2D Photonic Crystal", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 290-293, (2018)
  • Mahesh V, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Nagashetty Biradar and Sanjeev P. Gogga, “Analysis of All Optical Feynman and Majority Reversible gates Using 2D Photonic Crystals”, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, Volume 5, Issue 01, January -2018
  • Naveen Raga, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre & Hameed Miyan, “Lossy image compression using SVD algorithm”, Vol. 4, issue 4, pp. 427-434, IJMETMR, April 2017.
  • Savita Soma and Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, “All optical NOT gate using modified photonic crystal platform, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 83-86, International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics & Communication Engineering (IJERECE), March 2017.
  • Savita Soma and Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, “A Review on all optical Logic Gate using 2-D Photonic Crystal”, IJSRD, National Conference on Advances in Computing & Communication, Oct. 2016.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Nagashetty Biradar, Sanjeev Gogga & B Gadgay “ Realization of Logic Gates using Modified 2 Dimensional Photonic Crystal ”, IJSRD, October, 2016
  • Nagashetteppa Biradar, M L Dewal, Manojkumar Rohit, Sanjaykuamr C. Gowre & Yogesh Gundge, “Blind source parameters for performance evaluation of despeckling filters”, Hindawi’s International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, vol 2016, article ID 3636017, (SJR=056, Q2)
  • Saba Fatima, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Viswanath V. M., “Low Power VLSI- Survey on Latest Power Management Technology”, Journal of Electronic Systems, Volume 5 Number 1 March 2015
  • Pooja P & Sanjaykumar C. Gowre “Design of logic gates for realization of all-optical network using 2-D photonic crystals” International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science & Electronics (IJETCSE) ISSN: 0976-1353 Volume 14 Issue 2 –APRIL 2015. (1.012)
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Sudipta Mahapatra, and P. K. Sahu, "A modified structure for all-glass photonic bandgap fibers: Dispersion characteristics and confinement loss analysis," Hindawi's ISRN Optics, Volume 2013, pp. 1-5, doi:10.1155/2013/416537. (Google Scholar)
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Sudipta Mahapatra, S. K. Varshney, P. K. Sahu, "Dispersion Characteristics of All-Glass Photonic Crystal Fiber," Elsevier's OPTIK-International journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124(2013), pp.3730- 3733. (Impact factor 2.433, SJR=0.48, Q2)
  • Sanjay Kumar C. Gowre, S. Mahapatra and Uday N K, “Analysis of Birefringence in Modified Photonic Crystal Fiber”, World Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 8, 2011, pp 84-88
  • Uday N K, Chamundeshwari, Nagashetty B and Sanjay Kumar C. Gowre, “Sensors and Controllers for self navigating Robot”, World Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 8, 2011, pp 160-165 42. P K Sahu, Sanjay Kumar C. Gowre, and S. Mahapatra, “Optical Time Domain Reflectometer performance improvement using Complementary Correlated Prometheus Orthonormal Sequence”, IET Optoelectronics, Vol.2 No.3, 2008, pp.128-133.(2.2) (SJR=0.41, Q2)

International and National Conference: -

  • Mahesh V. Sonth, D. Sreekanth, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Juhi Nishat Ansari, and P. A. Irfan Khan, “Study of Light Behavior in waveguides and Cavities of Photonic Crystal Based Optical Devices”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2477, 030014, 2023.
  • Sanjeev Gogga, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre and Mahesh V. Sonth, “Design and Analysis of 4*2 Optical Encoder using Waveguides and Defects Mechanism in Two Dimensional Photonic Crystals”, 2nd International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering (ICMOCE-2023), 26-28 May 2023, IIT Bhubaneswar.
  • Jyoti, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre and Savita Soma, “Design of Ultra Compact Optical 1 to 2 Decoder Using Two Dimensional Photonic Crystals”, 2nd International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering (ICMOCE-2023), 26-28 May 2023, IIT Bhubaneswar.
  • Juhi Nishat Ansari, Sanjaykumar Gowre & Mahesh S, “Photonic Crystal based Sensors”, International Conference on Multidisplinary Research organized by Sharan Basava University, Kalaburagi, 22-24 November, 2022.
  • Pavan M & Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, “Signum data LMS algotithm for fast adaptive beamforming”, International Conference on Multidisplinary Research organized by Sharan Basava University, Kalaburagi, 22-24 November, 2022
  • Pavan M & Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, “Rotational Invariance Technique based SDLMS Algorithm”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION & COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY (ICACCT-2021), Dec. 28-29, 2021, GNDEC Bidar.
  • Husain Bhaldar, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Mahesh M Mathpati, Mainaz S Ustad, Ashish A Jadhav, Pavan Mankal, “Multiband Microstrip Textile Antenna for WiFi/WiMAX/5G Communication” 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON)
  • Shabana T., Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, “Demosaicing using MFIT based on Convolution Neural Network, International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies & Internet of Things, (ICICI-2019)
  • Mahesh V., Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Savita Soma and Sanjeev P. Gogga, “Photonic Crystal Waveguide and Cavities for all-Optical Logic Devices”, International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, (ICICCT-2018)
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre and Baswaraj Gadgay, “Realization of Temperature sensor using All Glass Photonic Crystal Fiber”, National Conference on Power Systems & Industrial Automation (NCPSIA-2015), organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 22/08/2015.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Sanjeev Gogga, Saba Fatima & A. S. Inamdar, “All Glass Photonic Crystal based Sensors and Conditioning Circuit for Rural Health Care” HTI-2015, IIT Bombay, Jan. 9-10, 2015.
  • Mahesh V. Sonth and Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, “Photonic Crystal Fiber based Sensors”, NCST-2014, 22-23 March, 2014, BKIT Bhalki
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, S. Mahapatra and Uday N K, “Measurement and Analysis of Birefringence in Photonic Crystal Fiber”, Oct. 29-30, 2010, ICN- 2010, REC Bhalki, pp. 450-453.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre and S. Mahapatra, “Design of Modified Micro- Structured Optical Fiber for Dispersion-Related Applications”, IEEE ICIIS- 2010, NITK Suratkal.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, S. Mahapatra, P K Sahu, and J. C. Biswas, “Design of Modified Micro-Structured Optical Fiber for Dispersion-Shifted Applications”, International Conference on Photonics-2008, Dec. 2008, IIT Delhi.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, S. Mahapatra, P K Sahu, and J. C. Biswas, “Design and Analysis of Modified Photonic Crystal Fiber Structure”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information System-2007, 8-11 Aug. 2007, Peradeniya University, Kandy, Sri-Lanka. (Google Scholar)
  • P K Sahu, S. Mahapatra, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, J. C. Biswas, and H M Padhy, “Design and simulation of a PRBS coded Fiber Bragg Grating temperature sensor”, SPIE International Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics, 16-19 Apr. 2007, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • P K Sahu, S. Mahapatra, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, and J. C. Biswas, “Design and simulation of programmable delay using a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) array for high speed optical networks and an error model for a CFBG based Optical device." , International Conference CODEC 2006, 18-20 Dec. 2006, University of Calcutta, Kolkata. India.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, P K Sahu, J C Biswas, S Mahapatra, Manjula S, and Nagashetty B, “Utilization of Genetic Algorithm for the Efficient Analysis of Microstructured Optical Fiber”, , International Conference CODEC 2006, 18-20 Dec. 2006, University of Calcutta, Kolkata. India.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, P K Sahu, J C Biswas, S Mahapatra, and Nagashetty B, “Design and Simulation of Fiber with Zero Dispersion Wavelength below 1300 nm using Microstructured Optical Fiber” , International Conference Photonics 2006, 13-16 Dec. 2006, Hyderabad University, Hyderabad. India.
  • P K Sahu, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, J C Biswas, and S Mahapatra, “Analysis of Fiber Bragg Grating Application in Telecommunication Networks”. International Conference Photonics 2006, 13-16 Dec. 2006, Hyderabad University, Hyderabad. India.
  • P K Sahu, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, J C Biswas, S Mahapatra, and H.M.Padhy, “Temperature insensitive fiber Bragg grating sensor for smart structure”, PCEA – IFTOMM International Conference (PICA 2006) on “Recent Trends in Automation & its Adaptation to Industries”, organized by Priyadarshini College of Engineering & Architecture, Nagpur, India and International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanisms & Machine Sciences July 11 – 14, 2006. Nagpur, India.
  • P K Sahu, SanjayKumar C. Gowre, S Mahapatra, and, J C Biswas “Numerical modeling and simulation of Fiber-Bragg Grating based devices for all- optical communication network”, IEEE Third International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication Networks (WOCN-2006), April 11-13, Bangalore, India. (Google Scholar)
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, and J C Biswas, “Guiding the light with the Holey Fiber”, International conference on EPMDS-06, Jan. 4-6, 2006, pp. H13-15, 2006, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, and J C Biswas, “Genetic Algorithm: A Nature Inspired Routing and Channel Assignment Algorithm for Optical Circuit- Switched Polymorphic Networks”, International Conference on Cognition and Recognition (ICCR-05), Dec. 22-23, 2005, pp. 377-381, 2005. PES Mandya, India.
  • A M Bhavikatti, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, Nagashetty B, and Navnath Kale, “Broadband Communication: A new paradigm for an application to wireless networks”, NUCONE 2006, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India.
  • P K Sahu, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, J C Biswas, and S Mahapatra “Technical challenges of Mobile Computing”, GIET, Gunupur, Orissa, India.
  • P K Sahu, J C Biswas, S Mahapatra, and SanjayKumar C Gowre, “Characterization of next generation fiber sensors”, NCC-06, IIT Delhi. India.
  • P K Sahu, Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, S Mahapatra and J C Biswas, “Characterization of Fiber Bragg grating response in a all-optical network”, INSIGHT-2005 (Won the first prize), Oct.-22, 2005, pp37-39 Conf. Proc. INSIGHT-2005(Organizer:- NITC,IEEE STUDENTS BRANCH). India.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, P K Sahu, and J C Biswas, “Design and Analysis of V-parameter in a Holey fiber", INSIGHT-2005, Oct.-22, 2005, pp42-44 Conf. Proc. INSIGHT-2005 (Organizer: - NITC, IEEE STUDENTS BRANCH). India.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, P K Sahu, and J.C Biswas, “MEMS for optical switching networks”, ETA-2005, Oct.1-2, 2005, (Organizer: - Comp. Sc. dept. of Saurashtra University, Rajkot & Amoghsiddhi Education Society, Sangli). India.
  • Sanjaykumar C. Gowre, and J C Biswas, “Ant Colony Optimization for Optical Circuit-Switched Diversified Network”, NCDK-2005, Sep 16-17, 2005, Conf. Proc. NCDK-2005 (Organizer: - Sri Sai Ram Engg College, Tambaram, Chennai), India.



Name of the project


































  • Research grant of Rs. 20 lacs from VGST Bengaluru for a period of 2 years on “DESIGN OF PHOTONIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM”
  • Research grant of Rs. 10 lacs from VTU Belgaum for a period of 3 years on “PHOTONIC DEVICES FOR OPTICAL NETWORKS”
  •  Award of IEEE ICIIS-2007 grant, Peradeniya University, Kandy, Sri-Lanka with registration grant of USD220.
  •  Award of 9500/- per month scholarship for pursuing PhD at IIT Kharagpur.

  • ISTE

  • Microcontroller, Basic Electronics, Optical Communication, Computer Communication & Networks, Linear Integrated Circuits, Microwave Circuits & Devices, Embedded System Design, Digital Communication and Advanced Microprocessor.
  • Labs handled: Electronics Circuits, Communication –I, Computer Communication & Networks, Microprocessor and Microcontroller.

  • VTU Youth Fest “Janani-2018”
  •  One Week Training programme on Internet of Things (IoT) during 29/08/2016 to 03/09/2016 at BKIT Bhalki
  •  VTU-VGST sponsored FDP on “Future Recent Trends & Innovations in Information Communication & Technology” during 8th to 11th May 2014 as Chief Coordinator.
  •  National conference on “Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology” (NCRIET-2014) during 03-04, May, 2014 as Advisor.
  • National conference on “Recent Advances in Science & Technology” (NCST- 2014) during 22-23, March, 2014 as Advisor.
  • Five Day Winter School on “Recent Innovations in HDL and Microprocessor” during 21-25 January, 2014 as Advisor.
  • National conference on “Recent Trends in Management & Technology” during April 5-6, 2013 as Advisor.
  • National level workshop on “Recent Research Trends in Communication and Network” during March 15-16, 2013 as Advisor.
  • Faculty development programme on Micro-electronics and circuits on 16th Feb. 2013 as Co-ordinator.
  •  National level science exhibition “ICCHA-2013” on 20th Jan. 2013 as Co-ordinator.
  •  National conference on “Emerging Information Technology and Engineering Solutions” (EITES-2012) during 23-24, August, 2012 as Advisor.
  •  International Conference on “Communication, Computation, Management and Nanotechnology” (ICN-2011) during September 23-25, 2011
  •  International Conference on “Communication, Computation, Control and Nanotechnology” (ICN-2010) during October 29-30, 2010
  •  ISTE sponsored Two Days National Workshop on “Challenges in VLSI Design” during 03-04, September 2010.
  •  ISTE sponsored Two Days National Workshop on “Recent Advances in Communication” during 06-07, August 2010.
  •  ISTE sponsored Two Days National Workshop on “Enhancing Teaching Skills” during 13-14, May 2010.
  •  ETEM-2010, Student level Technical paper presentation on 17/03/2010
  •  National level workshop on “OOPS” during 04-05 March 2010
  •  Refresher Course on “Advanced Microprocessor” from 21-23 Dec. 2009, REC Bhalki.
  •  Workshop on “Fundamentals of HDL” on 21 Feb. 2009, REC Bhalki.

  • Delivered a talk on “IoT and Sensors” during VGST Sponsored FDP on IoT and its Applications, organized by Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Bidar, 05-09 December, 2022.
  • Delivered a talk on “Photonic Communication” during ISTE-IETE sponsored workshop on Advances in Electronics & Communication, held by KCT Engineering College, Kalaburagi during 8-10 November, 2022
  •  Delivered a talk on “LATEX” during one week workshop on Procedural Writing and Publishing with Advanced Computer Tools: Hands-On Training”, 12- 18 May 2022, SECAB Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vijayapur on 12/05/2022
  •  Delivered a talk on “Areas of Interest” at SECAB Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vijayapur on 18/04/2022
  •  Delivered a talk on “Advances in Photonics” at SVERI COE, Pandharpur on 16/04/2022
  •  Course expert for VTU e-Shikshana Program for the subject Microcontroller (18EC46)
  •  Delivered a talk on “Advances in Photonic communication and Networks” during one week FDP on “Recent Trends, Advancements and Applications of Communication Technologies” organized by CMRTC Hyderabad from 25-29 May, 2020.
  •  Delivered a talk on “Photonics- New materials, New opportunities & Applications during one week FDP on “Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering” organized by JBIET Hyderabad from 26-30 April, 2020.
  •  Delivered a talk on “Photonics for Big Data Analytics during one week TEQIP sponsored FDP on “Computational Methods for Big Data Analytics” organized by VTU Belagavi from 06-10 January, 2020.
  •  Delivered talk on “Photonic crystal –New avenues and challenges” during two days workshop on @ SIT Kalaburagi on 15/03/2018.
  •  Delivered talk on LATEX at three days national workshop on Research Methodology and LATEX, organized by KBNEC Kalaburagi on 25/03/2018
  •  Chaired the session during National Conference on Advances in Computing & Communication (NCACC-2016) on 23/10/2016 at GNDEC, Bidar.
  •  Delivered a guest lecture on “IoT” at Govt. First Grade Degree College, Bidar on 23/10/2016
  •  Chaired the session during International Conference on Current Research Advances in Electrical Sciences (ICCRAES-2016) on 03/10/2016 at PDACE Gulbarga.
  •  Delivered a guest lecture on “Photonic Crystals ” at SIT Gulbarga on 10/09/2016
  • Delivered a expert talk on “Use of LATEX in document preparation” during Faculty Orientation Programme on Educate the Educators organized by Department of ASH, BKIT Bhalki on 05/07/2016.
  •  Delivered key note address on “Recent Trends in ICT” during NCACM-2016 at DYPIMCA Akurdi, Pune on 29/01/2016.
  •  Delivered talk on “OPTICAL NETWORKS” during VTU-VGST FDP on Trends in Computing Research from 15-18 June, 2015 at VTU Belagavi.
  •  Delivered talk on “Tools & Techniques for LATEX” at VTU Belagavi on 27th April 2015.
  •  Delivered talk on “Photonic Crystals” VTU-VGST sponsored FDP on “Future Recent Trends & Innovations in Information Communication & Technology” during 8th to 11th May 2014 at BKIT Bhalki
  •  Delivered talk on “Tools & Techniques” during National Workshop on “Research Methodology” during 17-18 March, 2014 at BKIT Bhalki.
  •  Delivered talk on “Introduction to Microprocessor” and “Recent innovations in Microprocessor” during Five Day Winter School on “Recent Innovations in HDL and Microprocessor” during 21-25 January, 2014.
  •  Delivered expert talk on “PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBER” during National level workshop on Recent Advances in Communication at REC Bhalki on 06/08/2010.
  •  Delivered expert talk on “LATEX”
  •  Chaired the session during National Conference on RIICTeM-2015 at VTU Regional Centre, kalaburagi during May 21-22, 2015.
  •  Chaired the session during National conference on “Recent Advances in Science & Technology” (NCST-2014) during 22-23, March, 2014
  •  Chaired the session for National level workshop on DBMS, VB & C++ at REC Bhalki during 27-29 January 2010/
  •  Chaired the session during International Conference on “Communication, Computation, Management and Nanotechnology” (ICN-2011) during September 23-25, 2011.
  •  Chaired the session during National conference on “Emerging Information Technology and Engineering Solutions” (EITES-2012) during 24-24, August, 2012.
  •  Editorial board member of World Journal Of Science & Technology
  •  Editorial board member of International Journal of Sensor and Related Networks (IJSRN)
  •  Worked as BoS of Computer Science & Engineering of VTU Belagavi from 2022-24
  •  Working as coordinator in NBA/NAAC/IQAS/NIRF
  •  Worked as BoE @ VTU Belagavi
  •  Worked as QPDS coordinator
  •  Worked as Secretary of IETE Gulbarga sub-centre from 2016-2018
  • Worked as Hon. Treasurer of IETE Gulbarga Sub-Section from 2014-2016

  • Highlight any notable achievements or recognitions

Office Address: B012, Department of E & Tc, JSPM University, Pune


Phone: 7019091919/8951855685



Orcid ID: - 0000-0003-1427-2640

Scopus Author ID: - 16401166700

Researcher ID: - AAA-2905-2020.

Google Scholar ID: - b2Vv3usAAAAJ

Vidwan ID: - 244420

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