Farina Khan

Mrs Khan Farina Naaz Jafar Ali
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Electrical Engineering
Email: khanfarina22@gmail.com , fjk.secs@jsmpuni.ac.in
Phone: 9011718296
Office Location: JSPM University, Wagholi, Pune.
- (pursuing) PHD. in Electrical Engg, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University
- M.Tech [Electrical Power Systems], Bharati Vidyapeeth Univerity. Pune , 2011
- B.E in [Electrical], SPPU, 2006.
- Assistant Professor , JSPMs Imperial College of Engineering and Research Wagholi Pune, 13/10/2022 – 30/08/2023
- Assistant Professor ,P.G Moze College of Engineering Wagholi, 11/02/2022 -12/10/22
- Assistant Professor , JSPMs Imperial College of Engineering and Research Wagholi Pune, 30/08/2008 –23/12/2020
- Assistant Professor, JSPM University, 01/09-2023 to Present
- Multiphase permanent magnet Reluctance generator based system for wind power conversion system.
- Allocation of Reactive Power Cost by Modified Y-Bus Matrix Method Authors Farina Khan,Publication . date 2015/3, Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research,Volume 4,Issue 07,Pages 6,Publisher ijse
- Transmission Line Fault Analysis Using Bus Impedance Matrix Method, Prajakta V Dhole, F.S Khan. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) 4 (3), 948-954, 2015
- Guided FE students in AICTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards 2019. Reached semifinals
- 1. Foundations of Electrical Engineering – First year JSPM University
- 2. Basic Electrical Engineering – First year SPPU
- 3. Electrical and Electronics Engg – Second year SPPU
- 4. Electrical Circuits – Second Year SPPU
- Highlight any notable achievements or recognitions