Arjuna Muduli

Dr. Arjuna Muduli
Full Name: Dr. Arjuna Muduli
Designation: Associate Professor
Email: Phone: 7017151266
Office Location: B415
PHD. in Electronics, Berhampur University, 2017
M.Tech in ECE, Siksha O Anusandhan University, 2011
MSc. Electronics, Berhampur University, 2007
BSc. Electronics, Utkal University, 2005
Lecturer, C V raman Group, Odisha, 2007-2011, 4 year
DST Inspire Fellow, Berhampur University, Odisha, 2011-2016, 4 year 10 month
Assistant Professor, DIT University, Dehradun, 2016-2019, 2 year 11 month
Associate Professor, K L University, Vijayawada, 2019-2023, 4 year 6 month
Associate professor, JSPM University, 2023 to Present
Antenna and Wave Propagation
RF and Microwave
SDR and CR Application
Optical and sensors
[1] Karki, B., Salah, N.H.,Arjuna Muduli et al. A Simulation Study for Dengue Virus Detection Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Heterostructure of Silver, Barium Titanate, and Cerium Oxide.
Plasmonics 18, 2031–2040 (2023).
[2] Arun Uniyal, Arjuna Muduli, et al, Fluorinated graphene and CNT-based surface plasmon resonance sensor for detecting the viral particles of SARS-CoV-2’, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 669, 15 November 2023, 415282, DOI:
[3]Swarnakar, S., Rakesh, N.V, Arjuna Muduli et al. Design of an ultracompact 3-input majority gate
using photonic crystal. ISSS J Micro Smart Syst 12, 117–126 (2023).
[4] Almawgani, A.H.M., Uniyal, A., Muduli, A et al. Sensitivity enhancement of optical plasmon- based sensor for detection of the hemoglobin and glucose: a numerical approach. Opt Quant Electron 55, 963 (2023).
[5] Swarnakar, S., Kumar, K.B., Muduli, A et al. A Y-shaped photonic integrated device with XNOR/NAND/NOR for optical signal processing. Opt Quant Electron 55, 801 (2023).
[6] Swarnakar, S., Palacharla, V., Muduli, A. et al. Design and optimization of photonic crystal based all-optical logic gate with enhanced contrast ratio. Opt Quant Electron 55, 623 (2023).
[7] Khaled Aliqab, Arun Uniyal, Gaurav Srivastava, Arjuna Muduli, Meshari Alsharari, Ammar Armghan,” A theoretical analysis of refractive index sensor with improved sensitivity using titanium dioxide, graphene, and antimonene grating: Pseudomonas bacteria detection” Measurement,Volume 216, 2023, 112957, ISSN 0263-2241, ((SCI & Q1)
[8] Sandip Swarnakar , Arjuna Muduli , Santosh Kumar et al, A miniature design of binary subtractor using 2-D photonic crystal structure for high-speed applications, Results in Optic,Volume 12, 2023,ISSN 2666-9501, DOI:
[9] Almawgani, A.H.M., Sarkar, P., Pal, A. Muduli et al. Titanium Disilicide, Black Phosphorus–Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor for Dengue Detection. Plasmonics (2023). & Q2)
[10] Arun Uniyal, Gaurav Srivastava, Amrindra Pal, Sofyan Taya & Arjuna Muduli. Recent Advances in Optical Biosensors for Sensing Applications: a Review. Plasmonics 18, 735–750 (2023). & Q2)
[11] Deepak Kumar Nayak, Arjuna Muduli,” Design of a GSM 900 Energy Harvesting Model for a Remote-Control device,” INTL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 2022, VOL. 68, NO. 4, PP. 767-773. DOI: 10.24425/ijet.2022.143884. (SCOPUS AND ESCI)
[12]K. Praghash, Arjuna Muduli, M. Aditya Venkata Siva Sai Bhaskar, S. Mahfooz Ali Baig, V. Sree Lakshmi Dhatri, and M. Muzammil Parvez , "An efficient MIMO cognitive radio (CR) model for mid- band 5G applications", AIP Conference Proceedings 2393, 020070 (2022) (SCOPUS)
[13]M Mujawar, D. V Saradhi, M Ajmal Naz, Arjuna Muduli,” Design and performance comparison of arrays of circular, square and hexagonal meta-material structures for wearable applications,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. , No. , March 2022, ISSN 0304-8853. DOI: (SCI & Q2)
[14] Arjuna Muduli, Rabindra K. Mishra "Modified Derived Feed for Log-Periodic Microstrip Antenna Array,” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 1-9. March 2022, ISSN 1759- 0795. doi: (SCI &Q3)
[15] Padmini Nigam, Arjuna Muduli, S Sharma and A pal,” SIW Based Cavity Backed Self- Quadplexing Slot Antenna”, Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, Vol. 20, No. 3, September 2021, ISSN 2179-1074. doi: 10.1590/2179- 10742021v20i31213
[16] Arjuna Muduli, Murali Krishna Kanneboina, Krishna Vamsi Mudumunthala and Sriram Valluri,” A Reconfigurable Wearable Antenna for Mid Band 5G Applications”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 1921, Issue 1, 2021, ISSN- 1742-6588, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012051 (SCOPUS)
[17] Padmini Nigam, Arjuna Muduli, S Sharma and A pal “Tri-fed SIW based self-triplexer antenna for X-band applications” International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. Pre- press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-16, 2021, ISSN- 1383-5416. doi: 10.3233/JAE-201639. ( SCI & Q4)
[18] Arjuna Muduli and R. K. Mishra, “A Modified Hybrid Planar Antenna for Cognitive Radio Application”, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 202, 2021. ISSN- 2367-3370. ( Scopus & Q4)
[19] Arjuna Muduli, Kavita Panwar,” A reconfigurable Filtenna for Cognitive Radio Application " Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 1817, Issue 1, 2021, ISSN- 1742-6596, doi:10.1088/1742- 6596/1817/1/012002 ( Scopus)
[20] Arjuna Muduli and R. K. Mishra, "T- feed for End-Fire pattern of Log Periodic Microstrip
Antenna Array,” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol 31, Issue 1, 2021, ISSN- 1099-047X (SCI & Q2)
[21] Padmini Nigam, Arjuna Muduli, S Sharma and A pal “SIW Based Dual fed Cavity-Backed Self- Diplexing Slot Antenna” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol 79, Issue 16, 2020, ISSN- 0040-2508. doi:10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v79.i16.40 (SCOPUS &Q4)
[22] Rajeev Parida,.. Arjuna Muduli, “A Hybrid Multi-Port Antenna System for Cognitive Radio” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 106, 1-16, 2020. doi:10.2528/PIERC20052706 (SCOPUS & Q3)
[23] Deepak Kumar Nayak, Arjuna Muduli, etal.” Channel allocation in cognitive radio networks using energy detection technique”, Materials Today: Proceedings,2020, Volume 33, Part 1, 2020, Pages 934-938. (SCOPUS, WOS)
[24] N. Siddaiah, Arjuna Muduli, etal.”A novel approch to modified advanced encryption standard algorithm”, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 2, 2020, ISSN- 2394-5125, doi: 10.31838/jcr.07.02.115. (SCOPUS)
[25] Padmini Nigam, Rahul Agarwal, Arjuna Muduli, S Sharma and A pal “SIW Based Cavity-Backed Self-Triplexing Slot Antenna for X-Ku Band Applications” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, ISSN:1099-047X, Vol.30, issue4, pp:1-11, 27 January 2020 (SCI &Q2)
[26] B B Shankar, D Anantha Sai Kumar, G Venkata Kowndinya, Arjuna Muduli, Deepak Kumar Nayak, “An Ultra-Wide Band Octagonal Antenna with Reconfigurable Narrowband Antenna for Cognitive Radio Applications”International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, ISSN 2277-8616, Vol. 9, pp: 1573-1576, Issue 1 January 2020. (Scopus)
[27] Arjuna Muduli, S. K. Dash, Rabindra K. Mishra, "Tourbo Codec OFDM for SDR Application in AWGN channel", International Journal of Research In Electronics And Computer Engineering, ISSN(ONLINE):2348-2281, Vol. 7 Issue 1 January-March, 2019. (UGC approved Journal till 2019)
[28]Arjuna Muduli and R. K. Mishra, "Performance of Turbo codec OFDM in Rayleigh Fading Channel for wireless communication,” International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp: 58-62, Aug. 2013. (UGC approved Journal)
[29] Arjuna Muduli and S. K. Dash, "Software Implementation in Radio Technology: An Overview,” Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications, ISSN 0973-6972, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 61-70, 2012.
[30]Arjuna Muduli, P. Kanakaraja, K. Raghavendra Reddy, M. Sai Santosh Anirudh & B. Prasad, ”IoT Enabled Water Conservation System Using LoRa LPWAN Networks” Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 540. Springer, Singapore. (SCOPUS & Q4)
[31] Arjuna Muduli, Kanakaraja P., Ravi Chandrika M., Sanjana Y., Sharukh S. Industrial Environment Monitoring System Using LoRa, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 237, 2022, Springer, Singapore. & Q4)
[32] Padmini Nigam, Arjuna Muduli, Sandeep Sharma, Amrindra Pal “The Substrate Integrated Waveguide Based Dumbbell-shaped Self Dip
Diplexing Cross Slot Antenna” Advances in Systems Engineering (Springer Nature Singapore) pp. 523-534, 2021 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-8025- 3_51(SCOPUS)
[33] Sandeep Sharma, Padmini Nigam, Arjuna Muduli, and Amrindra Pal, “Highly Isolated Self- Multiplexing 5G Antenna for IoT Applications” Blockchain for 5G-Enabled IoT: The new wave for Industrial Automation Springer, 2021 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67490-8 (SCOPUS)
[34] Arjuna Muduli and M. S. L. S. Gayatri, "A Modified Multiband Antenna for 5G Communication," 2022 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ESCI53509.2022.9758299. (INDEXED IN IEEE XPLORE/SCOPUS)
[35] Rajat Kumar Dwibedi, Arjuna Muduli, P. Vignesh, R. Mohankumar, and Sonu Varghese Thukalan , "Design and implementation of patient monitoring robot in hospitals",AIP Conference Proceedings 2405, 020011, ISSN:0094-243X (2022) (SCOPUS,Q4)
[36] A. Muduli, J. Murthy, R. Yasaswin, D. K. Nayak, S. Ram and B. Vardhan, "A Hybrid Antenna Structure for Cognitive Radio Applications," 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N), 2021, pp. 1098-1103, doi: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725427. (INDEXED IN IEEE XPLORE/SCOPUS INDEXED)
[37] P. K. Panda, H. K. Sahu and Arjuna Muduli, "Capacitor Based Metamaterial Absorber for
Obtaining Wideband Absorptivity," 2021 International Conference in Advances in Power, Signal, and Information Technology (APSIT), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/APSIT52773.2021.9641156. (INDEXED IN IEEE XPLORE/SCOPUS INDEXED)
[38] Rajeev K. Parida, Arjuna Muduli, Dhruba C. Panda and Deepak Kumar Nayak,” Integrated Multi-Operational Antenna System Design for CR Applications” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1187, GC-RDCT 2021, 29th-30th July 2021, Mangalore, Karnataka, India. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1187/1/012006. (WOS)
[39] Rajeev Parida, Arjuna Muduli, “UWB and Multiband Reconfigurable Antenna for Cognitive Radio Application” IEEE 2nd Indian Conference on Antennas&Propagation(InCAP2019), December 19-22, 2019, Ahmedabad, India.(INDEXED IN IEEE XPLORE/SCOPUS INDEXED)
[40] Padmini Nigam, Arjuna Muduli, S Sharma and A pal “The Substrate Integrated Waveguide Based Self-Triplexing Cross Slot Antenna ” IEEE Women Institute of Technology Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WITCON ECE-2019), WIT DEHRADUN, 22-23 NOVEMBER 2019, Uttarakhand, India. (INDEXED IN IEEE XPLORE/SCOPUS INDEXED)
[41] Padmini Nigam, Arjuna Muduli, S Sharma and A pal “SIW Based Self-Diplexing Dumbbell Slot Antenna for X- Band Application” IEEE Women Institute of Technology Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WITCON ECE-2019), WIT DEHRADUN, 22-23 NOVEMBER 2019, Uttarakhand, India (INDEXED IN IEEE XPLORE/SCOPUS INDEXED)
[42] Padmini Nigam, Santasri Koley and Arjuna Muduli, “Defected Ground Structure in the aspect of Substrate Integrated Waveguide circuits: A Review” IEEE International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering - (ICRIEECE-2018), KIIT UNIVERSITY, 27-28 JULY 2018, BHUBANESWAR, India.
[43] Arjuna Muduli, R K Mishra, “Transmission Line Model for a Series fed Log-periodic Microstrip Antenna array” IEEE INDICON-2017, IIT Roorkee, 15-17 Dec 2017, Roorkee, India (DOI: 10.1109/INDICON.2017.8487696, Electronic ISBN: 978-1- 5386-4318-1) (INDEXED IN IEEE XPLORE/SCOPUS INDEXED)
[44] Arjuna Muduli, R K Mishra," Modified UWB Microstrip Monopole Antenna for Cognitive Radio Application" IEEE AEMC-2015 conference, IIT Guwahati, 18 –21 Dec 2015, Guwahati, India. (DOI: 10.1109/AEMC.2015.7509207, ISBN: 978- 1-4673-9536-6) (INDEXED IN IEEE XPLORE/SCOPUS INDEXED/WOS)
[45] Arjuna Muduli, R K Mishra," CTC-OFDM for SDR application" 6th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication, 16-18 Dec 2015, Kolkata, India.
[46] Arjuna Muduli and R. K. Mishra, "T fed log-periodic microstrip array,” Indian antenna Week- 2014, Chandigarh, India, 18 – 20 June 2014.
[47] Arjuna Muduli and R. K. Mishra etal, "Log-periodically scaled Series fed patch antenna array,” IEEE AEMC-2013 conference, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India, 18 – 20 Dec 2013.
[48] K. P. Jena and Arjuna Muduli, "Simplifying approach to spectrum sensing for OFDMA Based System using Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN),” International joint conference on emerging intelligent sustainable technologies(EISTCON-2012), Dyananda Sagar Collage of Engineering, Bangalore, India, ISBN: 978-93-81693-76-6, vol. 1, pp. 161-164, May3-4 2012.
[49] Arjuna Muduli and D. Mohanta, "To improve bit error rate of turbo coded OFDM transmission over wireless AWGN channel,” International conference on control communication and computer technology (CCCT2011), New Delhi, pp. 191-196, Aug 6-7, 2011.
consultancy project : SMART EYE GLASS FOR ROAD SAFETY from NGO Bharat Bikash Abhijan, Odisha
Received Best teacher Award for 2020-21,2021-22 from K L deemed to be University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
Availed INSPIRE Fellowship of the Department of Science and Technology of government of India from August 2011 to June 2016
Received gold medal for acquiring 1st position in Master of Technology programme from ITER, S O A University, India
Received gold medal for acquiring 1st position in Master of Science programme from Berhampur University, India
Received Dibyachanchala memorial prize as a highest scorer in graduation programme
from prananth autonomous college khurda under Utkal University Odisha, India
Vice chair , SAC, IEEE Hyderabad section for 2023
IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society Student Ambassador form 22nd April
Senior member IEEE and Fellow IETE
Faculty Advisor(founder) for IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Student chapter and IEEE SENSOR Society in K L UNIVERSITY, Vijayawada from 2020 to 2023
Executive committee Member (SLATE 2021,22) in the MTT/AP/EMC society chapter of IEEE Hyderabad
Electronics system design
Design tools workshop through Arduino and NodeMCU
Analog and digital Communication / lab by My DAQ
Electromagnetic field theory
Antennas Theory and Propagation
Design Thinking and Innovation
A Workshop on Antenna in DIT University, Dehradun in association with IETE student chapter from 8th to 9th April 2017.
A Workshop on Basic electromagnetic Field Theory in DIT University, Dehradun in association with IETE student chapter on 30th November 2017.
Organized A Workshop as a Co-convener on Design and development of antenna (AWS-2018) in DIT University, Dehradun in association with IETE student chapter from 8th Feb to 10th Feb 2018.
Organized a workshop on MATLAB and Simulink tool on wireless communication for BTECH students in DIT University, Dehradun in association with IETE student chapter on 14th September 2018.
Organized a Workshop as Organizing Secretary on Design and development of antenna (AWS-2019) in DIT University, Dehradun in association with IETE student chapter from 5th April to 6th April 2019.
Working as a CO-ORDINATOR for National Conference on Advanced Radio Frequency Communication Systems & Computing (ARFCOMC-2021), organized by K L UNIVERSITY, VIJAYAWADA in Association with IETE, INDIA
Organized a 2 days online Symposium as Convenor on Future Wireless Systems in K L University, Vijayawada in association with IEEE AP/MTT/EMC Hyderabad chapter from 13th Nov to 14th Nov 2021
Working as a CO-CONVENER for Recent Advances in Wireless Communications & Emerging Technologies (RAWCET-2022), organized by K L UNIVERSITY, VIJAYAWADA in Association with IETE, INDIA
Faculty incharge for OBE for TLP In K L University, Vijayawada form 2020-23 Criteria 3 In charge for NBA committee, KLEF from 2020-23 Faculty Warden in DIT University, Dehradun from 11th Oct 2017 to 20th May Board of Study member from 2013-2016 for Electron
Faculty incharge for OBE for TLP In K L University, Vijayawada form 2020-23
Criteria 3 In charge for NBA committee, KLEF from 2020-23
Faculty Warden in DIT University, Dehradun from 11th Oct 2017 to 20th May 2019.
Board of Study member from 2013-2016 for Electronics Department of P N Autonomous College Khurda, Odisha.
Volunteer for IEEE Zonal electromagnetic Olympiad- 2012 organized by IEEE Kolkata chapter.
Volunteer for IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference-2013 organized by KIIT University, Odisha in collaboration with IEEE Kolkata section.
Faculty coordinator (Secretary) IETE student chapter in DIT University, Dehradun for 2017-18 and 2018-19.
Faculty coordinator for professional society in K L UNIVERSITY, Vijayawada from 2020-2023
Innovation Ambassador by MoE's Innovation Cell & AICTE India from 1st August 2021. Working as a reviewer for the student learning Assessment (SLA) Project by AICTE India. translators/reviewers of Odia language books for AICTE, India Working as a reviewer of IETE Journal of Research, Wiely, Springer etc..
Office Address: Dept of ENTC, JSPM University, Gat No. 720, Nagar Road, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra 412207 Email: Phone: 7017151266