Ganesh Bharate


Dr. Ganesh Bharate

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Faculty of Education and Humanities


Phone: +91-8604918676

Office Location: C - 310

PhD in Philosophy from IIT Kanpur, 2023.

MA University of Pune, University of Pune 2014.

BA Fergusson College, Fergusson College, 2012.

Major - Philosophy, Minor - Psychology, Sanskrit

Assistant Professor, Fergusson College 2021-22

Assistant Professor, JSPM University, 2023 to Present

  • Philosophy of Mind
  • Indian Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Sciences
  • Ethics
  • Aesthetics

  1. Bharate G., (2021)Downward Causation and Self-organization: problem of self causation,   

    Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Springer


  1. Bharate G., (2023) Review of The Emergence of Everything - How the World Became    

    Complex Morowitz Harold, Indian Journal of Ethics, Logic and Philosophy.

a.Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) with Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). Qualified State Eligibility Test (SET) Maharashtra in the subject of Philosophy.


Western Philosophy,

Indian Logic,

Philosophy of Sciences,

Yoga and Fitness,

Design Thinking and Creativity

Logic and Critical Thinking at Fergusson College 2021

Philosophical Practice (Counselling) Training Course

  1. The Prof. Surendra Shiodas Barlingay Prize for securing the highest number of marks at MA examination at University of Pune.
  2. The Kumari Anagha Dattatray Joshi prize for securing the highest number of marks at the MA examination at University of Pune.

Office Address: C - 310


Phone: +91-8604918676

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